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Mondelez continues to lead on women’s empowerment in the cocoa supply chain. The company made notable progress this year on climate change and has improved on workers. Work very much still needed on transparency (including tax) and water.
How are the scores formed?
We assessed publicly available information on the policies and commitments of the 'Big 10' food companies towards the sourcing of agricultural commodities from developing countries. The Scorecard looks at seven themes, weighing each theme equally. The index tackles some cutting edge issues that will require rigorous debate and dialogue between companies, civil society and industry experts. Find out more...
What do the scores mean?
- 8 - 10Good
- 6 - 7Fair
- 4 - 5Some progress
- 2 - 3Poor
- 0 - 1Very poor
Score 4Mondelez understands how important land is for smallholders and communities. Why not take that understanding to the next level and commit to ‘zero tolerance’ for land grabs?
See how other companies score on Land
Score 6Mondelez is a leader when it comes to decent gender analysis and implementation. The impact assessment and action plan the company delivered was extremely promising. We are now monitoring progress to track those action plan targets.
See how other companies score on Women
Score 4Mondelez understands big issues faced by small-scale farmers, but its failure to insist that its suppliers support the farmers they buy from needs urgent attention.
See how other companies score on Farmers
Score 4Mondelez has steadily moved up in score on workers but the company has still not committed to living wages nor established a constructive and ongoing dialogue with the union representing workers in its supply chains.
See how other companies score on Workers
Score 5Mondelez no longer sits at the bottom of the scorecard on climate change because they’ve published climate commitments that are huge step in the right direction. They still have ways to go towards increasing its ambition. In particular the company needs to strengthen renewable energy goals, requirements for their suppliers, and supporting small scale farmers to build resilience.
See how other companies score on Climate
Score 4Mondelez has made no improvements from last year and scores second lowest score in Transparency. Mondelez still discloses little information about its sourcing volumes, countries and buying agents, taxation and the compliance of suppliers with its code.
See how other companies score on Transparency
Score 2Mondelez is a poor performer on water. The company comes in dead last in our water scorecard and it’s the company’s lowest scoring theme. While Mondelez recognizes the importance of water and reports publically through CDP water, there is a lot more work to do.
See how other companies score on Water